2024年11月26日,Horticulture Research在线发表了云顶娱乐-全球高端娱乐平台-真人游戏 & 体育竞猜 、果蔬园艺作物种质创新与利用全国重点实验室黄远老师课题组题为“PIN1a- mediated auxin release from rootstock cotyledon contributes to healing in watermelon as revealed by seeds soaking-VIGS and cotyledon grafting”的研究论文,揭示了砧木子叶ClPIN1a调控西瓜嫁接愈合的机制。
图1. 完全去除砧木子叶显著延迟西瓜的嫁接愈合
图2. 建立一种基于浸种的新型瓜类作物VIGS系统
图3. 砧木子叶ClPIN1a调控西瓜嫁接愈合的作用模型
云顶娱乐-全球高端娱乐平台-真人游戏 & 体育竞猜 已毕业硕士研究生王筱为论文第一作者,黄远副教授为通讯作者。华中农业大学别之龙教授,日本名古屋大学Michitaka Notaguchi教授参与了本研究工作。研究得到国家自然科学基金、国家西甜瓜产业技术体系等项目的资助。
英文摘要:Grafting is a propagation method extensively utilized in cucurbits. However, the mechanisms underlying graft healing remain poorly understood. This study employed self-grafted watermelon plants to investigate how rootstock cotyledon affects healing. The complete removal of rootstock cotyledons significantly hindered scion growth, as evidenced by reductions in scion fresh weight and the area of true leaves. Physiological assessments revealed reduced callus formation, weaker adhesion forces, a more pronounced necrotic layer, and decreased rates of xylem and phloem reconnection at the graft junction when rootstock cotyledons were completely removed. Additionally, auxin levels at the rootstock graft junction notably decreased following cotyledon removal. In contrast, the exogenous application of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) notably enhanced graft healing. Moreover, gene expression analysis of the PIN auxin efflux carriers in the rootstock cotyledons indicated significant activation of ClPIN1a post-grafting. Furthermore, we developed an improved Virus Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) system for cucurbits using seeds soaking method. This method achieved an infection success rate of 83% with 60%-75% gene silencing efficiency, compared to the 37% success rate with 40%-60% efficiency seen with traditional cotyledon infection. Combining our novel VIGS approach with cotyledon grafting techniques, we demonstrated that rootstock cotyledons regulate callus formation through ClPIN1a-mediated endogenous auxin release, thus facilitating graft union development. These findings suggest potential strategies for enhancing watermelon graft healing by manipulating rootstock cotyledons.